Religious education
GCSE Edexcel B Religious Studies Christianity Matters of Life and Death Keyword Display
This is a display with 26 keywords and definitions on.
Excellent to put on the wall to remind pupils of the keywords for spellings and definitions. Or to use as a revision powerpoint of all the keywords for the unit of work.
This is written for the Edexcel B Matters of Life and Death unit on the Christianity Paper.
GCSE Edexcel B Christianity Keyword Display Bundle
This bundle includes 4 keyword and definition displays.
They are for the following units of work:
Christian Beliefs
Living the Christian life
Matters of Life and Death
Marriage and Family
They are bright and colourful to be displayed around the classroom but can also be used as revision tools and put into powerpoints to help pupils learn the keywords and definitions.
GCSE Edexcel B Religious Studies Marriage and Family Keyword and Definition Flashcards
This has 30 flashcards in with keywords and definitions on. There are 6 to an A4 page but you could enlarge to A3 when photocopying.
You need to print them double sided with the flip on the short edge and they should line up. Then laminate, cut up and then they are ready to be used.
If you create enough sets to be used in groups or pairs they can be used as activities to help pupils to revise the keywords by quizzing each other.
Could even print off as single pages and get pupils to use them to match up the keyword and definitions. Again laminate and cut up so they can be used again and again to aid with revision and long term memory
These were made for the marriage and family unit on the Christianity paper or Edexcel B. However they could also be used for other specs because there is a lot of overlap.
OCR As Philosophy keywords and definitions booklet.
A booklet that has keywords and defintions for the As philosophy component of the exam.
Units included are:
Ancient Philosophical Influences
Soul, mind and body
Arguments based on observation
Arguments based on reason
Religious experience
The problem of evil
A level OCR Religious Studies revision sheets for Philosophy Paper
There is a double sided revision sheet for each of the philosophy units for the OCR Religious Studies paper.
The first side is the knowledge that needs to be included. It includes all the requirements off the spec.
The second side is the discussion bullet points off the spec to get pupils to revise having an opinion.
I have used them as revision tasks in class or as a weekly piece of homework in the run up to the exams. If the pupils complete them in detail they have a really good sheet to use as final revision before the exam.
They will print in A4. Then get the photocopier to blow them up to A3 so that there is space for pupils to make notes.
Relationships and Families keyword display for new spec GCSE AQA Religious Studies
A bright display with the keywords and definitions for the new spec AQA GCSE.
There are 20 keywords and definitions included.
Great for brightening up a classroom and for supporting pupils.
Ancient Philosophical Influences Homework Booklet OCR
This is a homework booklet for the first unit of the Philosophy part of Alevel Religious Studies.
There are 8 sets of homework in here to be used throughout the unit of work. They cover Plato and Aristotle and some essay practice.
Arguments from Observation A level Revision Workbook - OCR
This is a revision workbook I have created for students.
It has activities for them to complete to guide their revision and get all their notes in one place. Once complete it can be read through before the exam as part of their revision.
There are also some practice exam questions to get them thinking about evaluation.
GCSE Edexcel B Religious Studies Islam Crime and Punishment Keyword and definition display
This is a display with 29 keywords and definitions on.
Excellent to put on the wall to remind pupils of the keywords for spellings and definitions. Or to use as a revision powerpoint of all the keywords for the unit of work.
This is written for the Edexcel B Crime and Punishment unit on the Islam Paper.
GCSE Edexcel B Religious Studies Living the Christian Life Keyword and definition display
This is a display with 25 keywords and definitions on.
Excellent to put on the wall to remind pupils of the keywords for spellings and definitions. Or to use as a revision powerpoint of all the keywords for the unit of work.
This is written for the Edexcel B Living the Christian Life unit on the Christian Paper.
OCR AS Christian Development keywords and definitions
A booklet that has keywords and definitions for the As philosophy component of the exam.
Units included are:
• Augustine’s teachings on human nature
• Death and the Afterlife
• Knowledge of God’s existence
• The person of Jesus Christ
• Christian moral principles
• Christian moral action
GCSE Edexcel B Christianity Matters of Life and Death Keyword and Definition Revision Flashcards
This has 26 flashcards in with keywords and definitions on. There are 6 to an A4 page but you could enlarge to A3 when photocopying.
You need to print them double sided with the flip on the short edge and they should line up. Then laminate, cut up and then they are ready to be used.
If you create enough sets to be used in groups or pairs they can be used as activities to help pupils to revise the keywords by quizzing each other.
Could even print off as single pages and get pupils to use them to match up the keyword and definitions. Again laminate and cut up so they can be used again and again to aid with revision and long term memory.
OCR A2 Philosophy Keywords and Definitions
A booklet that has keywords and definitions for the A2 philosophy component of the exam.
Units included are:
• The nature or attributes of God
• Religous Language: Negative, Analogical or symbolical
• Religious Language: Twentieth century perspectives
GCSE Religious Studies Edexcel B Marriage and Family revision or home learning workbooks
There are two workbooks here designed to be for two homeworks or for two intervention sessions. You could also use them in lessons once you have finished content for the pupils to be working their way through.
There is a personalised learning checklist on the front, keywords, Sources of Wisdom and then activities for each part of the topic.
I have divided them into two because it makes the content more manageable but you could easily make it one booklet.
There are two sets of each booklet. One is a design that has been created to be printed and handed to the pupils to write into. The other one has been adapted so that it could be uploaded onto teams for pupils to type into it and work from home
GCSE Religious Studies Edexcel B Muslim Beliefs Revision and home learning workbooks
There are workbooks here designed to be for two homeworks or for two intervention sessions. You could also use them in lessons once you have finished content for the pupils to be working their way through. They are also good to set for cover lessons or for pupils who have missed lessons.
There is a personalised learning checklist on the front, keywords, Sources of Wisdom and then activities for each part of the topic.
I have divided them into two because it makes the content more manageable but you could easily make it one booklet.
There are two sets of each booklet. One is a design that has been created to be printed and handed to the pupils to write into. The other one has been adapted so that it could be uploaded onto teams for pupils to type into it and work from home
GCSE Religious Studies Edexcel B Crime and Punishment revision and home learning workbooks
There are workbooks here designed to be for two homeworks or for two intervention sessions. You could also use them in lessons once you have finished content for the pupils to be working their way through. They are also good to set for cover lessons or for pupils who have missed lessons.
There is a personalised learning checklist on the front, keywords, Sources of Wisdom and then activities for each part of the topic.
I have divided them into two because it makes the content more manageable but you could easily make it one booklet.
There are two sets of each booklet. One is a design that has been created to be printed and handed to the pupils to write into. The other one has been adapted so that it could be uploaded onto teams for pupils to type into it and work from home
Ancient Philosophical Influences Knowledge Test and answer sheet. Alevel Religious Studies
42 questions to test pupils knowledge on Ancient Philosophical Influences which is the first philosophy unit of the OCR Alevel.
The questions are on Plato and Aristotle.
There is a pupil mark sheet and a teacher answer sheet so they can peer mark or you can mark yourself.